[Index] Reset Hopoo7@aol.com Sun, Feb 25, 1996 10:22:21 PM FREE SPEECH???OR HIDEING BEHIND LIES? By Reset --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Free speech sound good untill you try to go some where and the site is blocked or you try say tbn,org and find 4 sites saying that and all are xxx rated so you try christen and more xx rate comes up and then you go to bachanan's on web site to find thry are one that looks just like it but has a 96 in front of it and no ay Pat Buchanan even knows it's there NO we need censership bad People can hide behind their computers and say any thing and do it with out a fcc control even the press can't do that And if any wonder why they gave out so many stupid web sites they think congress will be not so fast to act if they are alot of them on But I am telling my congressman what is really going on and pray he put a end to this this is the worst thing I have ever seen so down with the web or at least control it so people will not act like some one else and print things that are untrue I ask ever one to call your congress men tell them what they are doing and ask him to please control the web as I will in the morning call Please and stop this and tell him why they are so many and most say my name is so in so and thats it and they set this up to make them think more people are on it than they really are a diffrent kind of front but the same BS so call fax or write your Reps as fast as posible and ask them to please control the web we ned it bad --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 hours of Democracy Web site | Random Access | www.gulker.com | Help/Info --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keywords: "San Mateo County", "California", email: webmaster@gulker.com